2014年3月23日 星期日

2014 農曆新年

2014.01.27  第一次行年宵市場@荃灣沙咀道運動場

2014.02.02. Elements

                                             2014.02.07   Hong Kong Museum of History wz Avia Chow

Charlie Brown Cafe

                                                         2014.02.09    Gathering wz Donna & Jason

                                                        2014.02.14   中西雙料情人節

2014年3月8日 星期六

2013 X'mas

                                              2013.11.24 Agnes b High Tea @IFC

                                                2013.12.06 Hong Kong Disneyland

                                                                  2013.12.20     The One                         

My X'mas Presents bought fm Toy'R'us @ Harbour City

                                                                 Harbour City

2013.12.20  The  Lobby, The Peninsula Hotel

                                                    2013.12.23    PLK X'mas Party

2013.12.25    Church Performance

2013.12.25  X'mas Buffet @ Rock Cafe, Headland Hotel

                                                   2013.12.28  Maritime Square

                                                 2013.12.30    Hello Kitty in Europe @Longham Place

                                                     2013.12.30  Festival Walk

                                                              Tea @ Page One Cafe

                                                 Dinner wz mami's Primary classmates @ Amaroni's Italy